old film::roll #6


these are from visiting amy in college. she lived on the beach which was quite different from my college apartment in chicago. warm, spacious, the ocean out the front door. i think she lived with two or three other women and then 3 or 4 of their guy friends lived next door. those guys also happened to be on the baseball team. 

i can't remember whose skateboard it was that we were all playing around with, though i am pretty sure it was amy's. i also can't remember what time of year this was. the birthday cake images are throwing me off.

these were taken (i think) with a lomo camera. the one that takes an image a split second apart then forming the grid. you can see it in the arms of the guy on the porch.  i wonder if i still have this camera.

dan and i were recently in wilmington and i asked him to drive by this house. it looks exactly the same but it's in different location than what i remembered. oh well, i guess that's what 17-18 years does to the brain.

you can see the whole roll here.