in 2008, when my grandmother passed away, the house was left pretty much the same to the benefit of my grandfather. a few things were dispersed or donated but by and large everything stayed put. in 2014, when my grandfather passed away, my aunt moira, my dad, my uncle john, and my uncle brendan had the task of cleaning out and preparing the home for sale. my grandparents moved into the house sometime in the mid 1960s, i think. i need to find that out. to put it mildly, there was a lot of stuff to sift through. in that process, i came into the possession of, among other things, my grandmother’s hats that were in the front coat closet. i have no recollection of her wearing any of these hats. i feel like there is a photo of her wearing one of them at a wedding, but i am having a hard time locating that at the moment. inside one of the hat boxes, was a receipt for joels on main st.
i was recently up in the falls and decided to go to 1810 main street to see what it looked like today.
here is a look at what that block looked like in 1964. click here to see more images of main street from that time frame.
west side of main street at division looking north.